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Morning Productivity Tips

How A Morning Routine Can Actually Change Your Life & My Personal Morning Feel Goods!

	Over on my instagram I am doing a series called Wellmas where I will be sharing 25 days of wellness tips leading up to Christmas. Day 5 of Wellmas is centered around morning productivity and my personal tips. 

Morning Productivity Essentials & Tip

I am a huge morning routine advocate because I can see such a difference in my day when I do follow my morning routine steps. Creating a morning routine is no different than forming any other new habit. At first it may be hard, but I promise you; if you stick with it by making these steps a non-negotiable for 2 will feel the difference.

My morning routine has become second nature to me now but I still follow my tips I share below to help guide me and keep me focused throughout the morning. I strictly follow my morning routine Monday through Friday, and allow myself more of a relaxed style of morning routine on the weekends. Of course, everyday is different and I don't always check all of the boxes, but having a guide has been helpful when I notice myself straying alway from my feel good habits.

1) Create a morning feel goods lists

In the notes app on my phone I created a list of morning "feel goods" that in a perfect day, I would do every morning. For me this was simple self-care acts that I wanted to accomplish before I began my day. Some of these things may be no-brainer, but I still added then to my list because it held me accountable to ensuring I did them along with gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment after completing each.

My Morning Feel Goods:

  1. Make bed

  2. Hot tea / lemon & lime water

  3. Devotional

  4. Meditate

  5. Ice Roll

  6. Morning SPF

  7. 10 before 10

  8. Make breakfast

  9. Make coffee

  10. Vitamins

  11. Get ready for the day

  12. Morning Skincare

2) Time Block Your Morning

Most of my weeks are structured similarly in regards to what days I have to leave the house in the morning versus what days I know I'll be working from home. With my different days in mind, typically the night before I will time block my morning. Starting with the hour I wake up till the hour I have to start working, I go through and write out a timeline or plan for my morning. Don't overthink this too much, it is more of a guide than a strict schedule but can be used as either. When I know I have lots to do the next day I take more time to ensure my tasks will realistically fit into my time blocking. This will take some trial and error to find the right time allotted for your tasks, and it may also make you realize you need to set your alarm 30 minutes earlier to get your "feel goods" in...but i'm telling you; it is worth it.

What My Time Blocking Looks like

7:00 AM

  1. Make bed

  2. Hot tea / lemon & lime water

  3. Devotional

  4. Meditate

7:30 AM

  1. Ice Roll

  2. Morning SPF

8:00 AM

final touches on Instagram reel

respond to comments on Instagram

8:30 AM

Post Instagram Reel & do morning interaction

9:00 AM

  1. 10 before 10

  2. Make breakfast

  3. Make coffee

  4. Vitamins

10:00 AM

  1. Get ready for the day

  2. Morning Skincare

Obviously everyday will differ and your morning may not allot for as much time as mine, but finding a way to prepare yourself for a productive day can truly help you in all areas of life. On the days I have to leave the house by 9 AM I typically wake up an hour earlier to ensure I can do all of my "feel goods". You make time for the things you love, make one of those things showing up for yourself so you can show up for others in the best way.

I hope this helped you find a way to structure your morning and I can't wait to share more tips. I am thinking of sharing a blog post and Wellmas reel talking about how to become a morning person, let me know if that interest you. I hope you guys are enjoying Wellmas so far, make sure to check out my instagram @danielleharmswellness so that you see all of my wellness tips I am sharing throughout the month.


Day 1- Homemade Nut Milk (a staple in my kitchen)

Day 2- At Home Toning Workout (a spicy but simple workout for at home or travel)

Day 3- 10 before 10 (you should join us!)

Day 4- Vanilla Protein Pancakes (only 5 ingredient)


beach stool profile.jpg

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Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated! I made it a point to cater my recipes to have minimal ingredients along with little prep time. With most of my recipes I will include optional add on’s that may have extra nutritional benefits but if you don’t have them, the recipe will be just as tasty!

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